IMBOLC – my personal favorite

Imbolc is almost here so happy Imbolc everyone! This is by far my favorite ritual to celebrate. I have so many good memories from this. I joined my working group at this time so many years ago. I earned my cords and was christened with them in a beautiful outdoor wintery ritual during an Imbolc ritual two years later. Yup this particular time of year is just special to me, the world is robed in white and silver and life slows just a bit. All the snow on everything just glittering in the sun like diamond dust is breath taking.

This is one of the four Celtic fire festivals. It commemorates the changing of the Goddess from the Crone to the Maiden. It also is a day to honor the rebirth of the Sun as we visualize the baby sun nursing from the Goddess’s breast. Imbolc marks the recovery of the Goddess after giving birth. As the first cross-quarter day following Midwinter, this traditionally marks winter’s end and spring’s start. (except if you live where I do which means you are in the heart of winter and baby it’s cold outside!) But it does mean that it is time for purification and spring cleaning in anticipation of the year’s new life. And in my experience this is the time for pledges and rededications for the coming year and for initiation.

 It was historically a shepherd’s holiday and among Celts associated with the onset of ewes’ lactation, prior to birthing the spring lambs. The festival is strongly associated with Brigid, daughter of The Dagda and one of the Tuatha Dé Danann. Brigid is a goddess of home and hearth as well. Which as a woman and mother, these fall to me. So she is one of the patrons I relate to.  (the other being Cerdiwen – but that is for another day)

0212011410So as I stated I love doing Imbolc rituals. For me this usually involves shoveling out the fire pit in the back yard and getting a crackling fire going which can be interesting in the snow and then followed by the ritual. I know it doesn’t’ sound that great, but you can actually SEE your circle you have created, your energy (and sweat) is physically already there. Then I take a ritual bath, don some warm clothes and a coat/cloak and head out to start my fire.  I have a picture of one of the rituals done in the past. (this was my favorite as it is the one where I earned my cords – that was a very special day – pictured below)

Imbolc2011bSo here are some ways to honor Brigid that I have used. As stated I always use the bath as a way to cleanse myself before this particular ritual. While in the bath itself I do grounding, centering and an aura cleansing meditation and after I always feel very refreshed and renewed. I feel as though I am the purest me in that moment and somehow that gives me the sense that I have been prepared for something very special (which it is). Anyway here it is…

Peace Bath – (with milk in honor of Brigid)

Draw a bath for yourself.
Pour a tablespoon or so of milk into a large bowl of water and say: ‘Water ripples on the breeze…’

Add several rose petals (fresh or dried) to the bowl of water and milk.
Say: ‘Thistledown flies through the air…’

Stir the water, milk, and rose petals with the index finger of your right hand.
Say: ‘Silent as the mighty seas…’

Gently pour the mixture that you have created into the bath.
Say: ‘Peaceful here without a care.’

Step in. Bathe for as long as you wish. Let the water absorb negative thoughts and worries. Allow yourself a few moments of healing peace.

So fellow readers – what do you do to honor Imbolc?



Updated: Here are some of the pictures of the fire from last night. I love a hot fire during a snow storm 🙂


Trying to get the fire going


Ahhh a nice toasty fire for Brigid



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