So I’m getting on a soap box

I would not be suprised to get some hate mail with this one but whatever… I’m keepin’ it real, and that is the advantage of having your own blog; you get to put your thoughts and opinions out there… This particular situation I ran into has been rubbing me raw for a few days now so I  thought I’d put it out there to see what others thought…

Excerpt from a letter I had to send from a provider….

…During the previous month’s session, Jane Doe reported her husband had moved out, was having an affair, was pursuing a divorce and he desired at that time to see their daughter after a multi month absence.

At our next session she expressed her grave concerns of her husband resuming unsupervised contact with their daughter due to his girlfriend’s involvement with a satanic group Jane Doe reports her fears of horrible, physical and sexual abuse with possible satanic rituals if the child is in the presence of her husband’s girlfriend. 

In my opinion I would highly recommend that Jane Doe have a thorough assessment from the legal system to assure her of her child’s safety and security in the near future…


Ok let the soapbox rant begin… (remember this is just my opinion)

The author of above excerpt has never met the ex-husband, spoken with the child or met the girlfriend but goes to make recomendations to a court system with this limited heresay information?

My next point – the author knows little to nothing about the girlfriends pagan path or if she even calls herself a satanist. It is entirely possible that the girlfriend is a wiccan or kitchen witch or other pagan path follower. I have encountered some that think yoga is satanic… just sayin… Makes it kinda scarey to come out of the broom closet.

Moving on… I don’t know many “satanists” but the two that I do know would never ever place a child in harms way nor would they involve a child in their pathworkings as they believe it is a path an educated adult must choose for themselves.  I am not per-sey taking up for satanism, it’s not my path of choice, but to each their own. But to be in danger fo “horrible ritual abuse (of a child) just by being the girlfriend’s presense…  doubtful.

And as far as I understand it the gov’t recognizes it a a legitmate path.

Now there are definitely the exceptions to every rule and I know there are some messed up folk out there, but this is the child’s father and Jane Doe saw fit at one time to breed with him. She doesn’t have a problem with him seeing the children, just the girlfriend… hmm to me that sounds vindictive and not so much protective…

There are protective services out there for children for a reason, and they have their role. But if someone were to try to prohibit me from seeing my child because I follow a pagan path they would find me calling the ACLU in a flash. It’s because of bigots and ignorant people like the author/Jane Doe that I stay in the closet.

Anyway I threw this out to a few close friends and got some interesting responses… So I’d like to hear your thoughts…